Monday, September 6, 2010

As I sit down to write I am reminded of those letters received around the end of the year that give a summary of the writer's year. Specifically the ones that ramble on. 
And I think to myself, will I carry on like that?
What is the essence of what I want to express? 
That I am so sad, and yet so happy and grateful to have a friend as good as the one who just recently began her move back to B.C.  Her presence, just doors away from my place for 10 years, has been a real gift in this urban setting.
The idea of her leaving gestated for a year. We spent a lot of time warming up to the idea of her leaving. And I will miss walks in the park, True Blood at her place, potlucks in the torrential rain and making supremely funny faces together.
I admire her consistent plugging away at all the necessary details to haul herself and her dog up and out of T.O. in her packed up car.  And I admire her reasons for moving out West.
When walking down the street now to Garden Fresh Supermarket (what we call Not So Fresh) I find myself looking up to the darken windows of her recently vacated apartment.  Her leaving has me thinking about where I am at with Good byes- but look, I've been texted- she's just outside Regina now.

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